Thursday, February 22, 2007


As I had posted in the UMR Baptist Student Union Forums:

"10:00 pm. Much homework to do. I can't stop thinking about it, I really don't know what to do. So I figured I would share my dilemma, amongst those who rhyme. Perhaps I can get the meaning, if I give myself time.

So here it goes:

A few nights ago, I saw the play of Juliet and Romeo. I don't know if this is what caused my imagination to run with passion or if it was just me. But as I lay on my bed last night, I had a dream.

It was all in fun and was just hanging out with some friends. Suddenly I felt her lips upon my cheek. I can't describe the feeling I felt. It was so full of passion, so warm, so liquid and soft. I can still feel it now even when I close my eyes. I'm not sure I can say whether I had ever felt this feeling before. For once it felt more true and more noble than I have yet known. Another kiss on the cheek and afterward I turned and saw the one responsible and our passions met face to face. There was no desire or temptation for more (well to be honest I woke up after this point), there was just... such a peace. It was what it was: a kiss of true love. It did not need any more action to communicate the meaning. It did not demand anything and it had a certain fullness to it. It numbed my senses and I would say that it was saddening as well, but that is what I feel at the present, I can't recall if I felt it at that time.

So I guess I will offer this story as a hope for all you single people out there who are longing for a love that will be filling, pure, and noble. I realize how stupid it can be to try to manufacture this type of love. It cannot be manufactured, only lived. God's love has to be flowing through it and the two have to so simply be complicatedly in love with each other, knowing the one was created for the other and vice versa. It is a love and passion worth waiting for and not to be wasted on anyone else. As I write these things, I feel so hypocritical, because I am reminded of the things I have wasted, but I hope that this is a message of hope that God is designing you, whoever you are, for someone and that someone for you. It might take a while, but that's just God working out all the kinks and laying out all the plans; there is always room for second chances and new beginnings. And if it is anywhere close to what I dreamt, it will be way past totally knock your socks off awesome!"


Giselle Borges said...

Hi Chad,
Thanks for your advice. I went to the website and it certainly is a source for help. Thanks.
Hope God keeps on using you to glorify His name!
God bless you!

Giselle Borges said...

Oh, by the way, what you wrote about second chances and new begginings when it comes to a Godly made me think about a book I read a while ago: "When God writes your love history"; it's great to be reminded that dreams can come true, not that we deserve it, but because God wants his name to be exalted through our lives, so He does amazing things...Have a blessed week!

chadimus said...

Thank you Giselle for the comments. I am actually familiar with Eric and Leslie Ludy's writings (It sounds like they would be the author of "When God writes your love history"). I've read their books "When God writes your love story," "When dreams come true," and most of "God's Gift To Women." I've learned a lot from their books and they give me hope that dreams do come true, we just have to be willing to trust the Great Author, God himself. I hope God does great things in your life. God Bless!


Giselle Borges said...

Hay Chad,
Got your message!
Nice that you've read books from the Ludy's.
Thanks for your support, I feel blessed.