Monday, February 19, 2007

Romeo and Juliet

Tonight, I watched the play "Romeo and Juliet." It got me to thinkin... just what does true love feel like? Indeed I know that it is more than a feeling, but there is a certain feeling one gets when viewing such romances as the above play. Someone once told me (I believe it was my mom) that true love does have that similar feel to it. And of course i know that with true love, sometimes the feeling isn't always there and the husband and wife remember their wedding day in order to stay true. They remember that covenant they made so long ago when they were in deepest love.

It is strange how today marriage is viewed as a drag, when it should be full of love and romance. I suppose that all depends on what both people put into it. But when people think of passion and giving into desires it seems to be in a pre-marrital relationship; that seems to be society's view of what "true" passion and "true" love is. "It will only last a moment, you have to take it now while it is here," it says. But wouldn't it take more passion, more love and more ... what is the word... Sacrifice to wait for that person to come into your life. Indeed and when the wedding bells ring all passions can be unwound and let loose and it can be full and lasting. Sure eventually one of the partners will pass on and sometimes that comes sooner than later, but to truly love with all the commitment that is involved, that must be something. To love someone, "until death do us part." That is truly a beautiful and awesome thing.

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